Tuesday 13 April 2010

the E virus

This is my script for the start of a zombie film called The E Virus


Opening shot of an empty London underground station with bits of paper all over the floor and deep red blood stains over the ticket barriers, in shot there will also be radioactive posters saying evacuate on them

shot of London eye completely still and no sound around except for a car horn repeatedly going on and off it will then focus in onto one of the pods in which you can see blood stains on the capsule and two dead body's against the glass slowly slide of the glass as deep red blood smears deeper across the window of the capsule

shot of in the underground its self in shot will be a overturned train with light flickering on and off and when the lights flicker you can see paper coming across the platform and you also see its the Piccadilly Line. out of nowhere a MAN with ripped clothes and blood all over his face appears crawling from the doors of the wrecked train talking to him self.

Where...where am i?
when the lights flicker again you see something moving from inside the train, the man doesn't see this and tries to get up and all of sudden the lights filly go out.
who's that? whats that
on my foot...
The lights flicker on and stay on and you see a ZOMBIE like creature standing behind him with its long gruesome arms around the mans leg.
what the hell! get off
The lights flicker off and when they come on again you see the man screaming as his legs are ripped of and blood flys everywhere. the lights go off and come on after the screaming stops and the man and zombie are missing. Footsteps are heard near by and the camera slowly turns to a blood covered floor and in the background the zombie is nearing the camera
the zombie is eating the man its killed and gets up and runs towards the camera and eats it as if someone is actually the camera, blood smears the camera and it falls to a shot of a newspaper reading The E Virus is in London!
There is then photo snaps of an average family eating, watching TV and doing many over normal family stuff as a voice over comes on.
The world was once such a quiet
place everyone would get on
with there normal day activity's
Pictures of a men in lab coats with chemical flasks come up
until a chemical factory tried one
experiment too far and caused a
virus that would exterminate
half the world
pictures of the men in lab coats who have fallen down and are suffering come up
or so everybody thought in fact
this was just the beginning
Pictures of the men in lab coats standing up covered in blood looking at the ones who aren't infected come up
little did they know the virus would
make the dead rise and when the infected
where unleashed on the world
nobody was safe
pictures of a normal English street come up but the cars are all smashed there is paper everywhere and a few zombies in the picture some of which crowded around a dead corpse eating

this is a picture of my favourtie doodle. I do this doodle whenever im bored or just dont really know where to start i feel it gets my mind stimulated and when i look into the doodle i see that im starting of quite small as if im lost or stuck or cant find my way out untill eventually to the end its more open and free as if i have found what im looking for. This is something i have used often when stuck with university work, college work and even school work and just before starting the visual diary in the first semester i did this as i didnt know where to begin untill 30 double sided pages later i finished it! so i thought it would be good to have as my last post before my main piece!

colour in animation

I want to discuss colour in animation in this blog especially animation for children. This is a picture of sully and mike from monsters inc. In the picture you see the two monsters smiling and by the looks of it having a good time. When i hear the word monster i generally think of something evil and something that kids especially would be scared of, but this film mocks this in a childish way and i think the colour best depicts how it removes the word monster from been scary and makes it kind of fun. The colours used are bright and theres a lot of different colours used, young people espeically love it when there is a lot of different colours been used. If this film was meant to scare children i feel the colour used would be darker although when you see the 'evil' character in the film his colours are a lot darker and scarier compared to the likes of mike and sully

zombie ryan

This is a what one of the zombies from the artistic director script im going to write may look like so heres a little story on the zombie Ryan. Before the virus broke Ryan was a family man who lived a ordinary life except for he was having an affair at the time with another women. Unlunckily for Ryan he didnt no anything about the virus and when he went to his lovers house she was a zombie and attacked him vicsiously. Over two days Ryan slowly started to become a zombie from his infection. His life had changed for good now his diet cosisted of human meat and his hobbies instead of playing football where now chasing humans down and causing havoc to the world.

smoking is bad

this is a picture i took for my script i wrote in the script writing part of the course. I took this picture as i wanted to get an idea of what the shots could look like if i was to film this piece, the script its self is about a new memeber of staff going to work in a warehouse and overcoming new challenges there (the piece its self a comedy) throughout there is a camera man captruing everything that happens in is time there. As its a comedy i took this shot as it shows the camera man has 'forgotten' that the reflection from the glass will show him in shot as he isnt the brightest and i could add some comedy in by having the cameraman wearing some kind of stupid colthing. The shot itself is susposed to show the new starter about to enter the workplace and as you can see the new started is a smoker.

Monday 12 April 2010

its a red thing

colour is so important and american beauty is one film that uses this factor to the max. In the film the colour red is seen in every shot, why? Why though maybe because the colour red is also the colour of a rose or a love heart and the film is about love in many ways. Or maybe its because red is the sign of danger and whats happening is very dangerous and shouldnt be happening. this brings me on to the fact that each colour can have many different meanings but in my opinion you can read it in your own way and no matter what you see it if you feel its right to the meaning it is right!

ET all from lowdown

this is a shot from the famous film ET now camera positioning is all important to a film, if filmed from high up looking down you know the person its filming lowdown is vunerable where as the opposite way would mean there in a position of power. I have picked ET and this picture inparticular because the film is filmed all from the height of a child which makes you become a child again and seeing the world as someone who's opinion may not matter as much . i feel ET been an alien of the same height is what makes the film what it is as the child can relate a lot to him and it makes it less threatening than aliens in other films which are usually a lot bigger.